Source code for dune.mmesh.utility

import logging, traceback
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import io
from dune.generator import algorithm, builder
from dune.common.hashit import hashIt
from dune.generator.exceptions import CompileError

[docs]def interfaceIndicator(igrid, grid=None, restrict=True): """Return indicator of interface edges. Args: igrid: The interfacegrid. grid: The bulk grid. Pass this parameter if the bulk grid is wrapped, e.g., by a geometryGridView. restrict (bool, optional): If True, the returned UFL expression is restricted. Returns: Skeleton function that is one at interface edges. """ # Pre-compiled version if grid is None: grid = igrid.hierarchicalGrid.bulkGrid if igrid.dimension == 1: import dune.mmesh._utility2d as module else: import dune.mmesh._utility3d as module # JIT version for wrapped grid else: moduleName = "interfaceindicator_" + hashIt(grid.cppTypeName) signature = "Compiling InterfaceIndicator" source = """ #include <config.h> #include <dune/mmesh/mmesh.hh> #include <dune/python/mmesh/utility.hh> #include <dune/python/grid/hierarchical.hh> #include <dune/python/common/typeregistry.hh> #include <dune/python/pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <dune/python/pybind11/stl.h> """ includes = sorted(set(grid.cppIncludes)) source += "".join(["#include <" + i + ">\n" for i in includes]) source += """ PYBIND11_MODULE( """ + moduleName + """, module ) { // InterfaceIndicator auto clsIndicator = Dune::Python::insertClass< Dune::Fem::InterfaceIndicator< typename """ + grid.cppTypeName + """ > >( module, "InterfaceIndicator", Dune::Python::GenerateTypeName("Dune::Fem::InterfaceIndicator< typename """ + grid.cppTypeName + """ >"), Dune::Python::IncludeFiles{"dune/mmesh/mmesh.hh", "dune/python/grid/hierarchical.hh", "dune/python/mmesh/utility.hh"} ).first; Dune::Fem::registerInterfaceIndicator( module, clsIndicator ); } """ module = builder.load(moduleName, source, signature) indicator = module.InterfaceIndicator(grid) from dune.ufl import GridFunction indicator = GridFunction(indicator) if restrict: from ufl import avg return avg(indicator) else: return indicator
[docs]def normals(igrid): """Return normal vectors to the interface grid elements. Args: igrid: The interface grid. Returns: Grid function on the interface grid. Coincides with n('+') of the bulk facet normal. """ igrid = igrid.hierarchicalGrid.leafView if igrid.dimension == 1: import dune.mmesh._utility2d as module else: import dune.mmesh._utility3d as module normals = module.Normals(igrid) from dune.ufl import GridFunction normals = GridFunction(normals) return normals
def distance(grid): """Return function representing the distance to the interface Args: grid: The grid. Returns: Piecewise linear grid function. """ if grid.dimension == 2: import dune.mmesh._utility2d as module else: import dune.mmesh._utility3d as module distance = module.Distance(grid.hierarchicalGrid.leafView) from dune.ufl import GridFunction distance = GridFunction(distance) return distance
[docs]def domainMarker(grid, wrapped=False): """Return domain markers passed by .msh grid file. Args: grid: The grid. wrapped: Set this to true if grid is wrapped. Returns: Grid function with cell-wise markers from .msh file. """ code = """ #include <functional> template <class GV> auto domainMarker(const GV &gv) { auto ret = [] (const auto& entity, const auto& xLocal) mutable -> auto { return entity.impl().domainMarker(); }; return ret; } """ from import finiteVolume from dune.fem.function import cppFunction if not wrapped: cppfunc = cppFunction(grid, name="domainMarker", order=0, fctName="domainMarker", includes=io.StringIO(code), args=[grid]) else: code = code.replace("impl()", "impl().hostEntity().impl()") cppfunc = cppFunction(grid, name="domainMarkerImpl", order=0, fctName="domainMarker", includes=io.StringIO(code), args=[grid]) fvspace = finiteVolume(grid) return fvspace.interpolate(cppfunc, name="domainMarker")
def interfaceDomainMarker(igrid): """Return interface domain markers passed by .msh grid file. Args: igrid: The interface grid. Returns: Interface grid function with cell-wise markers from .msh file. """ code = """ #include <iostream> #include <functional> template <class GV> auto interfaceDomainMarker(const GV &igv) { auto ret = [&igv] (const auto& entity, const auto& xLocal) mutable -> auto { return igv.grid().domainMarker(entity); }; return ret; } """ from dune.fem.function import cppFunction return cppFunction(igrid, name="interfaceDomainMarker", order=0, fctName="interfaceDomainMarker", includes=io.StringIO(code), args=[igrid])
[docs]def edgeMovement(grid, shifts): """Return linear interpolation of vertex shifts. Args: grid: The grid. shifts: List of shifts. Returns: Vector-valued grid function. """ code=""" #include <functional> #include <dune/geometry/multilineargeometry.hh> #include <dune/python/pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <dune/python/pybind11/numpy.h> template <class GV> auto edgeMovement(const GV &gv, const pybind11::array_t<double>& input) { static constexpr int dim = GV::dimension; using GlobalCoordinate = Dune::FieldVector<double, dim>; // obtain shifts from buffer protocol pybind11::buffer_info buffer = input.request(); double *ptr = (double *) buffer.ptr; int n = buffer.shape[0]; std::vector<GlobalCoordinate> shifts( n ); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i ) for ( int d = 0; d < dim; ++d ) shifts[i][d] = ptr[dim*i+d]; const auto& igrid = gv.grid().interfaceGrid(); const auto& iindexSet = igrid.leafIndexSet(); auto ret = [shifts, &igrid, &iindexSet] (const auto& entity, const auto& xLocal) mutable -> auto { // return a linear interpolation of the vertex shift values std::vector<GlobalCoordinate> shift( dim+1 ); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < entity.subEntities( dim ); ++i ) { const auto& vertex = entity.template subEntity<dim>( i ); if ( vertex.impl().isInterface() ) { // cast to interface grid vertex to obtain index const auto ivertex = igrid.entity( vertex.impl().hostEntity() ); shift[i] = shifts[ iindexSet.index( ivertex ) ]; } } const Dune::MultiLinearGeometry<double, dim, dim> interpolation(entity.type(), shift); return; }; return ret; } """ from dune.fem.function import cppFunction cppFunc = cppFunction(grid, name="edgeMovement", order=1, fctName="edgeMovement", includes=io.StringIO(code), args=[grid, shifts]) from import lagrange space = lagrange(grid, dimRange=grid.dimWorld, order=1) return space.interpolate(cppFunc, name="edgeMovement")
[docs]def interfaceEdgeMovement(igrid, shifts): """Return linear interpolation of vertex shifts on the interface. Args: igrid: The interface grid. shifts: List of shifts. Returns: Vector-valued interface grid function. """ code=""" #include <functional> #include <dune/geometry/multilineargeometry.hh> #include <dune/python/pybind11/pybind11.h> #include <dune/python/pybind11/numpy.h> template <class GV> auto interfaceEdgeMovement(const GV &gv, const pybind11::array_t<double>& input) { static constexpr int dim = GV::dimension; static constexpr int dimw = GV::dimensionworld; using GlobalCoordinate = Dune::FieldVector<double, dimw>; // obtain shifts from buffer protocol pybind11::buffer_info buffer = input.request(); double *ptr = (double *) buffer.ptr; int n = buffer.shape[0]; std::vector<GlobalCoordinate> shifts( n ); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i ) for ( int d = 0; d < dimw; ++d ) shifts[i][d] = ptr[dimw*i+d]; const auto& igrid = gv.grid(); const auto& iindexSet = igrid.leafIndexSet(); auto ret = [shifts, &igrid, &iindexSet] (const auto& entity, const auto& xLocal) mutable -> auto { // return a linear interpolation of the vertex shift values std::vector<GlobalCoordinate> shift( dim+1 ); for ( std::size_t i = 0; i < entity.subEntities( dim ); ++i ) { const auto& vertex = entity.template subEntity<dim>( i ); shift[i] = shifts[ iindexSet.index( vertex ) ]; } const Dune::MultiLinearGeometry<double, dim, dimw> interpolation(entity.type(), shift); return; }; return ret; } """ from dune.fem.function import cppFunction cppFunc = cppFunction(igrid, name="interfaceEdgeMovement", order=1, fctName="interfaceEdgeMovement", includes=io.StringIO(code), args=[igrid, shifts]) from import lagrange space = lagrange(igrid, dimRange=igrid.dimWorld, order=1) return space.interpolate(cppFunc, name="interfaceEdgeMovement")