Source code for dune.mmesh._solve

import logging, traceback
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from time import time
import numpy as np

# Return dof vector
def as_vector(df):
    return df.as_numpy
      return df.as_istl

[docs]def iterativeSolve(schemes, targets, callback=None, iter=100, tol=1e-8, f_tol=None, verbose=False, accelerate=False): """Helper function to solve bulk and interface scheme coupled iteratively. Args: schemes: pair of schemes targets: pair of discrete functions that should be solved for AND that are used in the coupling forms callback: update function that is called every time before solving a scheme iter: maximum number of iterations tol: objective tolerance between two iterates in two norm verbose: print residuum for each iteration accelerate: use a vector formulation of Aitken's fix point acceleration proposed by Irons and Tuck. Returns: if converged and number of iterations Note: The targets also must be used in the coupling forms. """ if f_tol is not None: print("f_tol is deprecated, use tol instead!") if tol != 1e-8: tol = f_tol assert len(schemes) == 2 assert len(targets) == 2 (A, B) = schemes (u, v) = targets a = u.copy() b = v.copy() if accelerate: Fa = a.copy() Fb = b.copy() FFa = a.copy() FFb = b.copy() def residuum(a, b): return np.sqrt(, a), b)) if callback is not None: callback() converged = False for i in range(iter): a.assign(u) b.assign(v) # Evaluation: a, b -> Fa, Fb A.solve(u) B.solve(v) if accelerate: Fa.assign(u) Fb.assign(v) # Evaluation: Fa, Fb -> FFa, FFb if callback is not None: callback() A.solve(u) B.solve(v) FFa.assign(u) FFb.assign(v) # Irons-Tuck update DA = as_vector(FFa) - as_vector(Fa) D2a = DA - as_vector(Fa) + as_vector(a) as_vector(u)[:] = as_vector(FFa) if, D2a) != 0: as_vector(u)[:] -=, D2a) /, D2a) * DA DB = as_vector(FFb) - as_vector(Fb) D2b = DB - as_vector(Fb) + as_vector(b) as_vector(v)[:] = as_vector(FFb) if, D2b) != 0: as_vector(v)[:] -=, D2b) /, D2b) * DB if callback is not None: callback() res = residuum(as_vector(u) - as_vector(a), as_vector(v) - as_vector(b)) if verbose: print("{:3d}:".format(i), "[", "{:1.2e}".format(res), "]", flush=True) if res < tol: converged = True break return {'converged': converged, 'iterations': i}
[docs]def monolithicSolve(schemes, targets, callback=None, iter=30, tol=1e10, f_tol=1e-7, eps=1.49012e-8, verbose=0, iterative=False): """Helper function to solve bulk and interface scheme coupled monolithically. A newton method assembling the underlying jacobian matrix. The coupling jacobian blocks are evaluated by finite differences. We provide an implementation with a fast C++ backend. Args: schemes: pair of schemes targets: pair of discrete functions that should be solved for AND that are used in the coupling forms callback: update function that is called every time before solving a scheme iter: maximum number of iterations tol: objective residual of iteration step in two norm f_tol: objective residual of function value in two norm eps: step size for finite difference verbose: 1: print residuum for each newton iteration, 2: print details iterative: Use the experimental iterative solver backend instead of UMFPack. Remark that the solver arguments of the bulk scheme are taken and preconditioning is not supported yet. Returns: if converged """ assert len(schemes) == 2 assert len(targets) == 2 (scheme, ischeme) = schemes (uh, th) = targets n = len(as_vector(uh)) m = len(as_vector(th)) def call(): if callback is not None: callback() from numpy.linalg import norm # Evaluate f = uh.copy() g = th.copy() call() scheme(uh, f) ischeme(th, g) # Load C++ jacobian implementation import hashlib from dune.generator import Constructor from dune.generator.generator import SimpleGenerator from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() if iterative: header = "jacobian_iterative.hh" else: header = "jacobian.hh" typeName = "Dune::Python::MMesh::Jacobian< " + scheme.cppTypeName + ", " \ + ischeme.cppTypeName + ", " + uh.cppTypeName + ", " + th.cppTypeName + " >" includes = scheme.cppIncludes + ischeme.cppIncludes + ["dune/python/mmesh/"+header] moduleName = "jacobian_" + hashlib.md5(typeName.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() constructor = Constructor(['const '+scheme.cppTypeName+'& scheme','const '+ischeme.cppTypeName+' &ischeme', 'const '+uh.cppTypeName+' &uh', 'const '+th.cppTypeName+' &th', 'const double eps', 'const std::function<void()> &callback'], ['return new ' + typeName + '( scheme, ischeme, uh, th, eps, callback );'], ['pybind11::keep_alive< 1, 2 >()', 'pybind11::keep_alive< 1, 3 >()', 'pybind11::keep_alive< 1, 4 >()', 'pybind11::keep_alive< 1, 6 >()']) generator = SimpleGenerator("Jacobian", "Dune::Python::MMesh") module = generator.load(includes, typeName, moduleName, constructor) jacobian = module.Jacobian(scheme, ischeme, uh, th, eps, call) jacobian.init() ux = uh.copy() tx = th.copy() def norm(u, t): return np.sqrt(u.scalarProductDofs(u) + t.scalarProductDofs(t)) for i in range(1, iter+1): jacobian.update(uh, th) solveTime = -time() jacobian.solve(f, g, ux, tx) solveTime += time() uh -= ux th -= tx xres = norm(ux, tx) call() scheme(uh, f) ischeme(th, g) fres = norm(f, g) if verbose > 0 and rank == 0: print(" i:", i, " |Δx| =", "{:1.8e}".format(xres), "", "|f| =", "{:1.8e}".format(fres)) if verbose > 1: print(f"Solve took {solveTime:.6f} seconds.\n") file = open('runtime.txt', 'w') file.write(str(solveTime)) file.close() if xres < tol and fres < f_tol: return True return False