
template<class HostGrid, int dim>
class MMesh

The MMesh class templatized by the CGAL host grid type and the dimension.


Public Functions

inline void addInterface(const Intersection &intersection, const std::size_t marker = 1)

Add an intersection to the interface.

template<class I>
inline void addInterface(const I &intersection, const std::size_t marker = 1)

Add wrapped intersection to the interface.

inline bool isOnInterface(const Entity &entity) const

Return if entity shares a facet with the interface.

inline Intersection asIntersection(const InterfaceEntity &interfaceEntity) const

Return an interface entity as intersection of a MMesh entity.

inline Intersection asIntersection(const Facet &facet) const

Return a facet as intersection.

inline Intersection asIntersection(const FacetHandle &host) const

Return a host facet as intersection.

inline const Entity locate(const GlobalCoordinate &p, const Entity &element = {}) const

Locate an entity by coordinate using CGAL’s locate.

inline bool markElements()

Mark elements for adaption using the default remeshing indicator.


if elements have been marked.

inline bool ensureVertexMovement(std::vector<GlobalCoordinate> shifts)

Mark elements such that after movement of vertices no cell degenerates.


shifts – Vector that maps vertex index to GlobalCoordinate


If elements have been marked.

inline void moveVertices(const std::vector<GlobalCoordinate> &shifts)

Move vertices.


shifts – Vector that maps interface vertex indices to GlobalCoordinate

template<typename Vertex>
inline void addToInterface(const Vertex &vertex, const GlobalCoordinate &p)

Insert p into the triangulation and add a new interface segment between p and vertex

inline const HostGrid &getHostGrid() const

Get reference to the underlying CGAL triangulation.

inline HostGrid &getHostGrid()

Get non-const reference to the underlying CGAL triangulation.

inline const InterfaceGrid &interfaceGrid() const

Get reference to the interface grid.

inline InterfaceGrid &interfaceGrid()

Get a non-const reference to the interface grid.