
In order to install and use Dune-MMesh you need a recent C++ compiler (at least C++17 compatible), Python (3.7 or later), CMake (3.13 or later) and Boost (1.66 or later).

There are two ways of installing Dune-MMesh.

Using Pip

The easiest way to install Dune-MMesh is using pip and the package uploaded to PyPI.

  1. Activate a virtual environment (strongly recommended).

python3 -m venv dune-env
source dune-env/bin/activate
  1. Download and build Dune-MMesh and its dependencies.

pip install dune-mmesh

Note that this takes some time in order to compile all dependent Dune modules.

From Source

You can install Dune-MMesh from source to get full access to the source code. It also enables git support if you want to contribute.

1. Clone the Dune modules dune-common, dune-geometry, dune-grid, dune-istl, dune-localfunctions, dune-fem and dune-mmesh.

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
  1. In a virtual environment (strongly recommended, see above) build the modules and install the python bindings.

./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=dune-mmesh/cmake/config.opts all
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol --opts=dune-mmesh/cmake/config.opts make install_python
  1. Configure the automatically generated dune-py module by calling

./dune-common/bin/ --opts=dune-mmesh/cmake/config.opts

Remark that this generated dune-py module is used to perform the just-in-time compilation that is used for the python bindings of DUNE.